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The 10 Best AI Side Hustles To Earn An Extra $1,000/Month

By Adrian Mole       Updated: Jun 20, 2024

Easy AI side hustles anyone can do to earn money

The rise of AI technology has opened up a wealth of opportunities for those seeking to earn extra income through AI side hustles.

We explore ten lucrative AI side hustle options that can significantly boost your earnings and change your life forever.

There are various roles available, from AI-assisted copywriting to generating online courses, and we provide insights into each profitable opportunity.

We will learn about the very best platforms to find AI gigs and strategic tips for marketing your services effectively.

The 10 Best AI Side Hustles To Earn An Extra $1,000/Month

You can create scalable and efficient side hustles that fit both your skills and your interests by utilizing AI tools.

Discover how these AI-driven opportunities can enhance your financial well-being and career satisfaction, making them an ideal choice for today's gig economy.

Here’s our curated list of the best AI side hustles that you can leverage to earn extra money each month:

10. AI-Generated Images

AI-generated images involve using AI art generators to create unique and customizable images for various purposes, including digital art, marketing materials, and social media content.

This side hustle is ideal for individuals interested in graphic design and digital art with the ability to create diverse and unique images.

The potential for passive earnings through online marketplaces, and the growing demand for digital art make this a sort-after gig.

Unfortunately, the initial cost of AI tools and the associated learning curve can appear to be an insurmountable problem at first.

However, marketing your images on platforms like Etsy, an e-commerce store, and social media can be a lucrative option for you.

Earnings can range from $500 to $1,500 per month, depending on the demand for your AI-generated products and the quality of your work.

You must stay updated with gig economy statistics, facts, & trends to maximize your earnings and keep abreast of the latest developments.

9. AI Blog Content Generation

AI blog content generation involves employing the latest AI tools to generate blog content automatically, including topic generation, research, and writing.

This side hustle is perfect for a freelance writer and blogger looking to increase their output and reduce the time it takes to produce content.

The pros include improved time efficiency, the ability to produce high-quality content, and maintaining audience engagement with minimal manual research.

Some cons are the potential for AI-generated content to lack a personal touch and the need for some editing and fact-checking to improve quality.

Find clients by marketing your services on freelancing platforms, through your blog, and by reaching out to small and medium-sized businesses.

You can earn $500 to $1,500 per month, depending on the volume of content you produce, while utilizing expert accounting tips will improve your profits.

8. Creating Music With AI Tools

Using AI-powered music composition tools to create original music tracks, melodies, or soundscapes is a promising side hustle for those with a passion for music.

These AI tools allow you to generate music for a variety of purposes, such as video production, podcasts, or events.

The pros include the ability to produce music quickly, the uniqueness of AI-generated music, and the growing demand for original soundtracks.

Some cons may include the need for some musical knowledge and the initial cost of purchasing the latest AI tools.

You can market your music through social media, online marketplaces, and by networking with content creators and social media influencers.

Earnings average $1,000 per month, making it a viable option for making money online as you discover what the gig economy offers for musicians.

7. AI-Custom Merchandise Designs

Creating custom merchandise designs using AI algorithms allows you to offer unique and personalized products, such as apparel, accessories, and digital products.

The pros include creating diverse and unique products, passive income potential through print-on-demand services, and the growing market for personalized merchandise.

Some cons may include the initial time invested in setting up an online store and learning to use AI art generators.

Market your designs on platforms like Etsy, an e-commerce store, and through social media to enjoy earnings ranging from $500 to $1,500 per month.

Your revenue depends on the demand for your designs, which you can learn more about via gig economy trends that help you stay ahead.

6. AI-Enhanced Photography

AI-enhanced photography involves using AI-powered editing tools to improve image quality, retouch photos, and apply creative effects that enhance the finished product.

This side hustle is ideal for photographers interested in graphic design who want to enhance photo quality, save time, and offer professional-level editing services.

Unfortunately, the initial cost of AI tools and the associated learning curve make them quite expensive if you don’t have some initial capital.

Find clients by marketing your services on social media, through an online store, and by networking with photographers and small businesses.

You can expect to earn $500 to $1,500 per month, depending on the volume and complexity of the editing work.

5. AI-Generated Video Scripts

AI-generated video scripts involve using AI algorithms to create engaging and informative content scripts for videos, presentations, or marketing campaigns.

This side hustle is perfect for those interested in faceless YouTube channels utilizing tools that produce high-quality scripts serving the growing demand for content.

The cons are the initial learning curve and the potential for AI-generated content to require further editing due to incorrect facts and low-quality output.

To find clients, market your services on freelancing platforms like Upwork and Freelancer, social media, and reach out to video production companies.

Earnings typically range from $500 to $1,500 per month, making it a viable option for extra income and full-time employment.

You can research the biggest gig economy companies to learn how they can help you earn extra income and generate more opportunities.

4. Using AI Writing Tools For Custom Stories

Creating custom stories using writing tools is a unique side hustle that involves generating multiple personalized narratives for clients.

Depending on your client's needs, these stories can be used for various purposes, such as personalized gifts, marketing campaigns, or entertainment.

The pros include the ability to produce content quickly, the uniqueness of the service, and the potential for high client satisfaction.

Unfortunately, the cons include the reliance on AI-generated content that might lack depth and, in some instances, fail to meet high enough quality targets.

You can market your services on gig economy platforms like Fiverr, through your own business website, and on online marketplaces.

This side hustle can earn you between $500 and $2,000 per month, depending on the demand and complexity of the stories.

When you earn more than $12,500 per month, you’ll need to find more information on how to file taxes to avoid running into problems.

3. AI Voice Narration Of Books And Articles

AI voice narration is a side hustle where you use AI technology to generate voice narration for books, articles, and other written content.

This provides an alternative format for content consumption, catering to audiences who prefer audio-based content like audiobooks from Audible.

The pros include a growing demand for audiobooks and podcasts, passive income potential, and the ability to work from your own home.

However, initial investment in AI tools and learning to use them effectively can be challenging, and many people just give up.

Find clients by networking with authors, bloggers, and businesses and listing your services on freelancing platforms like Fiverr and Freelancer.

You can expect to earn $500 to $2,000 per month, depending on the number of projects you can comfortably handle.

Make sure you understand gig worker law and gig worker tax deductions to avoid running into problems with the IRS.

2. AI-Assisted Copywriting

AI-assisted copywriting involves using AI-powered tools to generate high-quality written content for businesses, websites, or marketing materials.

This side hustle is ideal for freelance writers who want to enhance their productivity and offer more value to their clients in shorter time frames.

If you have the requisite prompt engineering skills, AI writing tools can help you quickly create compelling copy, blog posts, and social media content.

You can save time, improve content quality, and increase output, but there’s a steep learning curve and AI-generated content often lacks a personal touch.

To find your clients, market your services on platforms like LinkedIn, freelancing websites, and through direct outreach to small businesses.

Earnings range from $1,000 to $2,500 per month, depending on the volume and complexity of projects, making it one of the best gig economy jobs available.

1. AI-Generated Online Courses

AI-generated online courses are an excellent way to make money online by leveraging AI tools to automate course creation and curriculum development.

This side hustle allows you to create comprehensive and engaging educational materials without extensive expertise or experience in the subject matter.

Utilizing artificial intelligence tools simplifies the process, enabling you to create online courses quickly and efficiently using well-structured prompts to create content.

The pros include scalability, passive income potential, and the ability to reach a global audience with very little prior knowledge of your subject matter.

However, initial time investment and consistent updates are required to keep the content relevant, especially if you are not well-versed in the material.

One can find customers through gig economy platforms, social media, and by targeting busy professionals looking to enhance their skills.

You can earn $1,000 to $3,000 monthly by selling AI-generated online courses, making it a lucrative side hustle for those looking to make money online.

To ensure that you keep your admin up to date, follow these small business accounting tips to avoid problems with the IRS.

AI Industry Trends And Scalability Opportunities

The AI side hustle market is rapidly evolving, driven by advancements in technology and increasing demand for AI solutions across various industries.

One of the most prominent emerging trends is the integration of AI into creative fields such as content creation, design, and music production.

Tools like OpenAI's GPT-4 for text generation and DALL-E for image creation are revolutionizing how freelancers produce high-quality work quickly.

AI is also becoming essential in data analysis and automation, enabling side hustlers to offer businesses sophisticated services like predictive analytics and workflow automation.

Scalability is a significant advantage in AI side hustles, allowing individuals to expand their operations and income potential efficiently without employing more staff.

For instance, AI-generated online courses can be scaled by continually updating content and expanding into new subject areas, attracting a broader audience.

AI-assisted copywriting can grow by using AI tools to handle larger volumes of work, thus serving more clients simultaneously with the same resources.

Similarly, AI-enhanced photography and custom merchandise designs can leverage print-on-demand services to scale without significant upfront investment in inventory or staffing.

Freelancers can further scale their AI side hustles by automating routine tasks, enabling them to focus on high-value activities without incurring additional costs.

Creating partnerships and outsourcing components of their work can also help manage larger projects as AI technology continues to advance.

The scalability opportunities for side hustles in this field continue to grow, providing lucrative prospects for those who adapt and innovate within the gig economy.

Where Is The Best Place To Find AI Side Hustles?

Finding AI side hustles involves exploring the various platforms and resources that cater specifically to freelance work and AI-driven opportunities.

The best places to start are freelance websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer, where clients post AI-related jobs such as copywriting and video script generation.

AI marketplaces like Hugging Face and OpenAI's API platform are also excellent for finding niche AI projects and networking with other AI professionals.

Industry forums such as Reddit's r/machinelearning, AI-focused LinkedIn groups, and specialized Slack communities provide valuable insights and connections that you can exploit.

To succeed in the gig economy, you must build a robust portfolio highlighting your AI projects, as it is crucial.

Include examples of all your best AI-generated content, scripts, and designs to demonstrate your capabilities and make sure that you network constantly.

Attend virtual conferences and webinars, and join online forums where AI enthusiasts gather, actively participating in discussions to potentially generate collaborations and job offers.

Marketing your AI services effectively involves leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter to share your work and engage with potential clients.

Creating a professional website or blog to expose your portfolio, client testimonials, and detailed descriptions of your services can enhance your credibility.

Also, consider offering introductory rates or free samples to attract initial clients and build a strong reputation in the AI side hustle market.

Profitable side hustle ideas include starting a business to sell AI prompts, sell online courses, AI-generated art, or a print-on-demand service where you sell AI prompts.


We have explored a diverse range of AI side hustle ideas to provide you with food for thought, including content creation, design, and automation.

It highlights key platforms like Upwork and AI marketplaces for finding jobs and offers tips for building a portfolio and effective marketing.

Emerging trends and scalability opportunities in the AI side hustle market are discussed, emphasizing the potential for income growth and career advancement.

We encourage you to explore these opportunities to boost your financial well-being and achieve greater career satisfaction and improved earning potential.

Adrian Mole Positive Accountant

By Adrian Mole

Adrian Mole is a UK-based Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser. With a career spanning over 30 years, he has advised clients of all sizes on accounting, business, and tax matters and has a passion for helping startups. Formerly a partner of a Top Ten accounting firm in London, he now runs a small accounting practice closer to home with a committed team of finance professionals. A private pilot and keen scuba diver, when not working, he enjoys time with his family and teaching Ballroom dancing.

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