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The 25 Best Fiverr Gigs For Freelancers In 2024

By Adrian Mole       Updated: May 21, 2024

Unleash Your Freelance Potential With These In-Demand Gigs

Freelancers know better than anyone that the hardest part of freelancing is finding your next job, as pitching new clients takes a lot of effort.

Luckily for you, the best Fiverr gigs allow you to find work irrespective of your skill level or the time available to find prospective clients.

Heaps of high-demand jobs are waiting for you, whether a side gig to supplement your income or a full-time business.

The 25 Best Fiverr Gigs For Freelancers In 2024

After selecting a Fiverr gig they like, buyers provide the seller with all the information they need, and the seller goes to work.

The buyer only pays the vendor after the seller finishes the job satisfactorily, leaves a review, and rates the seller.

Before diving into Fiverr, ensure your skills shine with a stellar freelance portfolio by following the tips we offer in our guide.

The best Fiverr gigs are listed below, along with advice on creating a profile, searching for, and landing the most lucrative gigs.

25. Proofreading

Proofreaders who can swiftly and efficiently correct documents, blog posts, and article errors are crucial for content creators and agencies.

If you have an excellent sense of sentence form and grammar, this might be a gig that's a perfect fit for you.

But be warned, it takes a lot more work to proofread a paper well than just sending it through Grammarly.

You must demonstrate to potential clients how your prior work may provide something unique and add value when completing gigs

Proofreading costs range from $0.03 to $0.1 per word, but more specialized work, such as fiction, medical, and legal, pays up to $0.09 per word.

24. Data Entry

Data entry is a highly sought-after service on Fiverr and involves updating and creating documents and spreadsheets for various industries.

The process of entering data is easy enough for almost anyone with an internet connection to handle, but it can become tedious.

With a low barrier to entry, the amount of money you can make from each gig is low as you are competing with a large number of sellers.

If you're new to freelancing, spread a wide net, as sites like Upwork offer a wealth of Upwork jobs for beginners, too.

You can increase your earnings by completing tasks more quickly and efficiently and offering additional services once you acquire more experience.

The estimated earnings for data entry on Fiverr are between $17 and $26 per hour, depending on the type of work and your experience level.

23. Translation Services

As they expand worldwide, businesses must speak to customers in languages other than their mother tongue, providing an excellent earning opportunity.

One of the best Fiverr gigs is translation, as it only requires a computer, internet connectivity, and language proficiency.

Most translators bill by the word, making it easy to calculate your costs and providing buyers with an accurate quote for your services upfront.

As a freelancer, understanding gig worker law is crucial, so familiarize yourself with the legalities to ensure you're protected using our tips and suggestions.

22. Transcription

Quick, accurate typists can earn a respectable living as freelance transcribers, especially if they have industry-specific knowledge and exceptional listening ability.

You listen to audio or video recordings and translate them into text as a transcriptionist, with legal papers, podcasts, and medical notes most in demand.

Since many clients want quick turnaround times and near-perfect reproduction, you'll need to type accurately and efficiently at the same time.

Once you have some experience, you can expect to earn approximately $15 to $20 per hour before tax and deductions.

21. Online Tutoring

Tutoring is a fantastic Fiverr business that lets you share your knowledge on a particular subject, language, or talent with students of various ages.

Coding, math, and language tutoring are a few of Fiverr's more popular tutoring tasks, as students tend to struggle with these the most.

Because it can be challenging to stand out in a competitive marketplace, many tutors avoid listing their services on Fiverr.

Expect to earn around $10 to $30 per hour as a math tutor or $15 to $20 per hour as an English language tutor.

20. Video Editing

As YouTube and Instagram usage increased, the enormous demand for skilled video editors created a market for freelancers with these skills.

There's a massive variety of work online, and editors and filmmakers are in demand for shorts, documentaries, movies, TikTok videos, and advertisements.

The secret to maximizing your earnings is to pick specific niches that fit your skill set and look for jobs that match your interests.

Video editing is one of the most competitive and profitable markets on Fiverr, and you can expect to earn up to $250 for a 10-minute video.

19. Email Marketing

Email marketing continues to be the more successful digital marketing channel in terms of conversions, despite what social media managers may tell you.

This means there are plenty of opportunities to grab email marketing gigs despite it being a very competitive field to enter.

Email marketing is a tried and tested client-generating channel, and your experience working on email ads, newsletters, or expanding prospect lists will be well rewarded.

Basic campaigns start at around $100 and increase to more than $800 for more advanced campaigns with setup and automation.

With this level of income, it’s important that you learn how to file taxes as a self-employed individual, consulting a professional accountant if in doubt. 

18. SEO Content Writing

Fiverr offers search engine optimization content gigs for those with education or writing experience, from website pages to blog articles, video scripts, and podcasts.

Although it may appear simple, not everyone can do it successfully, as producing content for online consumption requires specific skills to appeal to search engines.

Writing, research, copyediting, originality, and SEO expertise are among the abilities required to create content that drives traffic and engagement.

Anyone with a website or social media presence needs freelancers producing quality content with high-ranking keywords, allowing you to charge more.

Writers charge per word, hour, or project and earn from $0.01 per word to as much as $1 or more per word.

17. Cover Letter and Resume Editing

The need for independent resume writers is greater than ever in 2024 as people in traditional jobs struggle to find employment.

A freelance resume writer assists job seekers in transforming their dull, uninteresting resumes into polished marketing materials highlighting their qualifications and experience.

You'll be paid around $25 for a basic cover letter and resume and more than $100 for an executive-level document that assists professionals in securing employment.

16. Virtual Assistant

Among the best Fiverr gigs for independent contractors are virtual assistants, who offer clients a range of services like customer support or admin.

All that virtual assistants need is a reliable internet connection, allowing them to work remotely and earn an income from anywhere in the world.

The work is usually relatively easy and self-explanatory, and you can choose how flexible your schedule is based on your personal circumstances.

You can specialize in various ways, capitalizing on your abilities and experience to secure well-paying, long-term gigs.

Rates vary widely, with entry-level Vas earning as little as $4 to $5 per hour, rising to $30 and more for skilled, senior staff.

15. Lead Generation

Every business requires leads to sell to, whether offering products or services, making lead generation one of the best Fiverr gigs that's popular and lucrative.

You can offer a wide range of services, from B2B and B2C leads to appointment setting and cold calls, depending on your skill and experience.

The sky's the limit, and you can start by charging $5 or $10 for a basic email list with names and company details.

At the top end, you can charge hundreds of dollars for warm leads who are ready to buy, especially when working with high-ticket offers.

14. Copywriting

Copywriting is the process of creating sales copy for advertising, including brochures, press releases, print ads, and website content – in fact, any content that sells.

You will be successful if you can produce a sales letter or email sequence that persuades readers to buy a specific product or service.

It is not very easy to start and earn money as a freelance copywriter, as you need serious sales skills to write good copy.

However, with the right attitude and training, this is potentially one of the most lucrative ways to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars online.

13. Virtual Events Management

With so many companies embracing the gig economy, virtual events have become big business with the potential for long-term ongoing work.

Virtual events allow you to use your organizational and technology skills and experience to help set up and run various events online.

Prices vary widely for this service, and you can start for as little as $5 or $10 per event to hundreds of dollars to arrange large company get-togethers.

12. Social Media Management

Social media management is one of Fiverr's best services as the demand for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram content continues to grow.

A recent study shows that 68% of Americans use Facebook, while 47% are on Instagram, and 22% regularly log onto Twitter. 

Because they are desperate to get people to visit their websites, buyers will pay $5 or even $10 to increase traffic, looking for that "magic bullet."

If you provide excellent service and achieve results, your clients will keep coming back to you, generating business for months, if not years.

With a track record of success, you can increase your fees and offer upsells and tailored packages that will skyrocket your earnings.

11. Whiteboard Animation

Freelancers with artistic skills coupled with sales and digital marketing knowledge are in great demand by the biggest gig economy companies needing social media videos and other commercial content.

You can expect to charge $50 to $300 per video based on its length and subject matter, bumping up your prices as you become more experienced.

10. Infographic Design

As online content becomes more important, your skill in creating visually appealing infographics from data and bullet points becomes more desirable.

The most successful graphic design gigs include advanced marketing and design concepts, creating simple, visually appealing content using popular image editing tools.

Beginners charge $5 to $10 for their designs, but with a successful portfolio, you can charge clients between $35 and $100 per design.

9. Social Media Marketing

As a social media marketer, you can provide a much-needed service offering to manage clients’ social media presence on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Despite billions of dollars invested in social media marketing, most businesses lack the time and expertise to fully capitalize on this lucrative lead source.

As a social media manager, you'll use well-crafted content to assist businesses in attracting new clients on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and Twitter.

You can start by charging $5 for basic content and work your way up to managing media campaigns worth thousands of dollars per month.

8. Marketing Strategy Consulting

If you can create a winning digital marketing strategy for your clients, then a huge market is available from which you can find clients.

 There are multiple ways to market your services, including specializing in a particular industry or a specific platform like Instagram or Facebook.

 Once you have found your niche, you can increase your prices as you become known for your quality work and successful campaigns.

Prices for consulting gigs vary, with sellers charging as little as $20, while experienced consultants attract clients who pay hundreds of dollars for their service.

7. Graphic Design

There is a wide range of clients and sectors for graphic designers, with many companies engaging freelancers to get specific gig economy jobs or projects completed.

These projects include website graphics, infographics, book covers, article layouts, adverts, brochures, flyers, business cards, logos, apparel, and many more.

Your project could be to design promotional materials that are distinctive and consistent with a brand or simplify complex data, making it easier to understand.

Graphic design is a competitive Fiverr market but also a lucrative one, with a large client base that pays hundreds of dollars for top-quality work.

6. Website Development

The gig economy pros and cons result in new businesses needing a website, but existing companies may have old and outdated websites that need upgrading.

Similar to graphic design, your job involves optimizing the user experience (UX) in addition to creating a stunning website.

Having both programming skills and a creative visual sense is crucial, and there's never a shortage of gigs for excellent web designers.

The Fiverr marketplace is highly competitive and will take time and effort to stand out among many talented web designers and developers.

Don't compete on price, pick a niche and come up with an attractive web development offer that is competitive but doesn't undercut your perceived value.

WordPress web developers start their gigs at around $100, and the more successful ones charge thousands for their design skills.

5. Illustration

High-demand gigs for artists who can provide illustrations for children's books, cartoon characters, maps, animals, t-shirt designs, and watercolors are everywhere.

Your skills as an artist can bring in thousands of dollars each month as the number of projects needing your skills grows each month.

However, the advent of AI has resulted in many new freelancers entering this market, and you need to work hard to attract clients who appreciate your artistic talent.

4. 3D Modeling

Multiple clients will pay you well for your talent if you have the skills to model real-world and virtual-reality objects and designs.

Due to the high level of technology employed in this field, it generally attracts experienced freelancers with a pre-existing portfolio of work.

Expect to earn from $50 to over $1,000 per project, depending on the complexity and length of time needed to complete it.

While this is a lucrative job on Fiverr, it is not the best freelance job for beginners due to the steep learning curve and required experience.

3. Voiceover Work

The art of voiceover work is somewhat unique, and taking on voiceover jobs on Fiverr requires a knack for compelling storytelling.

Qualifications required for voiceover gigs may vary; therefore, your voice will unlikely be suitable for them all, leaving room for many different artists.

You can carve out a reliable niche by recording your voice while speaking more than one language, which opens more opportunities for you.

The best Fiverr gigs start at $10 per 100 words, increasing to over $100 for more specialized voices, like characters or ones that sound like famous actors.

2. Book Cover Design

Tens of thousands of books are written each month, each needing an attractive cover to generate interest and drive sales.

If you have the skills and artistic ability to design a book cover that increases sales, you'll attract endless clients for your Fiverr gig.

At the low end, book cover designs can cost authors as little as $10, but skilled designers charge hundreds of dollars for their work.

1. Logo Design

All businesses are prepared to pay for a distinctive, memorable logo that conveys their brand and distinguishes them from the competition.

To succeed in this competitive market, you'll require design experience and the adaptability to develop concepts and make changes to satisfy the client.

Clients seeking logos want their brand to be instantly identifiable, so you'll need to know about current logos, copyright regulations, and evoking emotion through visuals.

Basic logo designs cost $10, while more experienced designers charge up to $150 and more for a professional look incorporating the latest design elements.


1. What Fiverr Gig Sells The Most

Businesses constantly need logos, banners, and social media graphics, which is why graphic design is one of the most popular categories on Fiverr.

If you want to know how to become a freelancer, research these niches and see what the sellers include in their gigs – it’s the quickest way to learn.

2. How To Get The Best Fiverr Gigs

Identify your niche by researching trending search terms on Fiverr to find markets with limited seller supply but strong demand.

Include search terms in your description that people use to find your skill and improve your odds by advertising your services.

3. How To Develop Your Own Social Media Marketing Strategies

First, establish your "why" and connect it to your company's objectives while determining the social gig economy platforms your target audience uses.

Establish who your direct and indirect rivals are and establish unique KPIs for each channel on social media after conducting a thorough social media audit.

After creating a reasonable budget for social media, consider what content to post on social media and establish and enhance your accounts.

Produce a calendar for all your social media material and create exciting and engaging content that you track to see what is successful.


Depending on your degree of training and experience, you can offer a wide range of the best Fiverr gigs, earning extra income in your spare time.

Pick one of the 25 gigs mentioned above and launch your gig for $5 to see how easy it is to start making money online.

Once you experience some success, you can add more Fiverr gigs, trying different options to see which ones make you the most money.

Adrian Mole Positive Accountant

By Adrian Mole

Adrian Mole is a UK-based Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser. With a career spanning over 30 years, he has advised clients of all sizes on accounting, business, and tax matters and has a passion for helping startups. Formerly a partner of a Top Ten accounting firm in London, he now runs a small accounting practice closer to home with a committed team of finance professionals. A private pilot and keen scuba diver, when not working, he enjoys time with his family and teaching Ballroom dancing.

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